
I make cookies for people. People love my cookies. I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:

1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...

2. Old friends get cookies again...

3. People ask about the cookies...

By the way, I cannot eat my cookies. I am gluten intolerant.

These cookies are all about you...

I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something MAGICAL happens, I would like to share it with all of you...

Love, Jeanne

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

needed to reach out ASAP

Jeanne: I wanted to pass along this urgent message from my finance director. As of now, we're still falling $22,374 short of our $50,000 mid-month fundraising goal, and time is running out before tomorrow's midnight deadline.

We need one final push to close this gap, so I'm asking grassroots supporters like you to make your first contribution.

Please, will you give $5 or more right now to help us hit our ambitious goal, win in Nevada, and defend our Democratic Senate majority? Every dollar makes a critical difference in a race this competitive.

Thank you.

– Jacky

---------- Forwarded message ---------

From: Lexie (Finance Director)
Date: Tue, Mar 14, 2023
Subject: could you reach out to your most engaged grassroots supporters before EOD?

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