
I make cookies for people. People love my cookies. I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:

1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...

2. Old friends get cookies again...

3. People ask about the cookies...

By the way, I cannot eat my cookies. I am gluten intolerant.

These cookies are all about you...

I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something MAGICAL happens, I would like to share it with all of you...

Love, Jeanne

Tuesday, March 14, 2023

I noticed that your signature is missing


Jeanne, I noticed that you haven't had a chance to sign my rapid-response petition, so I wanted to follow up right away.

As anti-choice politicians put pressure on companies like Walgreens to stop selling safe and effective medications used for abortions, we need to speak out with everything we've got. But I still need another 53 signatures from your area on my rapid-response petition, and yours is missing.

Please, Jeanne: Will you add your name now to defend abortion rights from the GOP's attacks? I need your help to send a message to the GOP that the clear majority of Americans support reproductive freedom.

Thank you,


------- Forwarded message -------

From: Jacky Rosen
Date: Sat, Mar 11, 2023
Subject: re: Walgreens

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