
I make cookies for people. People love my cookies. I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:

1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...

2. Old friends get cookies again...

3. People ask about the cookies...

By the way, I cannot eat my cookies. I am gluten intolerant.

These cookies are all about you...

I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something MAGICAL happens, I would like to share it with all of you...

Love, Jeanne

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make Plans, God laughs...

So as a few of you are aware, on Friday i lost an obscure battle with my basement door. It won and absconded with a chunk of my foot and a good measure of my time as I hobbled to LIJ to get sutures and stiches...
Even with all that mayhem magical cookies will be mailed today by post to those who most recently deserve my thanks...

Ken "The Mighty" Pischel
Paul "Tech Wizard" Smith
Tony "All Seeing" Coash
Steve "The Productive" Perlstein
Dr. Terry "Medical Majician" Penn
Tom "The Advocate of Advocates" Hanik

Thanks my friends...

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