
I make cookies for people. People love my cookies. I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:

1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...

2. Old friends get cookies again...

3. People ask about the cookies...

By the way, I cannot eat my cookies. I am gluten intolerant.

These cookies are all about you...

I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something MAGICAL happens, I would like to share it with all of you...

Love, Jeanne

Friday, April 30, 2010

Last for the week...

Todays delicious fare will be experienced by the following:
1. Harry Zapiti and Suzanne Wakamoto
2. Stuart Shestack
3. Julia Hernandez
4 & 5. Two mystery lucky people
And by mail today:
1. Ken Stein at Kensington Company as a thank you
2. Dan Shlufman for my goof up
3. Dr. Ron Ghiz because he needs a brighter day

Have a Cookielicious Day!

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Make Plans, God laughs...

So as a few of you are aware, on Friday i lost an obscure battle with my basement door. It won and absconded with a chunk of my foot and a good measure of my time as I hobbled to LIJ to get sutures and stiches...
Even with all that mayhem magical cookies will be mailed today by post to those who most recently deserve my thanks...

Ken "The Mighty" Pischel
Paul "Tech Wizard" Smith
Tony "All Seeing" Coash
Steve "The Productive" Perlstein
Dr. Terry "Medical Majician" Penn
Tom "The Advocate of Advocates" Hanik

Thanks my friends...

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Joy of Teenage Boys...


Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Time to make the donuts....

Baking cookies for tomorrows appointments...

Have a great Week friends...

As word spreads...

Jan at the club heard about my cookies... Thanks Arleen...

Friday, April 16, 2010

Are you alright?

Tamara Fish ate my cookies yesterday in the subway, stopped in her tracks and someone asked, "Are you alright?"
It's the cookies people!!!!!

The FDA just added Jeanne's Cookies to the list of items on the restricted access. Their effects were akin to crack.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Andrew and Yorlenis did not come by so...
Jonathan and Howard got cookies!

Who gets Cookies today?

My TAB Board Members...
The Lovely Rosetta Kromer...
Andrew Lamkin...
Jody Jones...
And some other lucky person...
Have a remarkable day!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Another Review...

James Unger of Great Lakes, a wholesaler of mine said:
Your cookies are delicious. Thank you very much!
James Unger

James was one of the recipients of the cookies mailed last Tuesday...
Have a great day!


So yesterday I made cookies for a dear friend Charlie and his wife Kathy, only to find out they are Gluten Intolerant....
And we live to fight another day...

Friday, April 9, 2010

What people are saying about the cookies....

James Stovall - I requested he mail me a picture of him eating his basket of cookies I sent to the office - His reply "Too late. Between me and the rest of the office, ate them all! They loved them! I told the office that I baked them! :) Just kidding... "
Luz Arce - I mailed her cookies this past Tuesday... She sent me an email - "I love you. Those cookies were delicious. Everyone here at the office that tasted them were very impressed with them. Tanya sends her thanks. Those cookies came at the exact time I was craving something chocolatey. Thank you very much."

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

A New Convert...

Kim Clark likes the baked goods...

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Tax season is not just tough on the CPA's and Bookkeepers!

Cookies being delivered by priority mail tomorrow!
Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Cookies being delivered For James Stovall at Victory Schools! Warmly, Jeanne

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Just got this email....


Thank you for the cookies, just got them today. YUM!!!!

Jerry Allocca

Making my list...

Today is an at home day and I have a few boxes of cookies to mail...
The Offices of Karson and Long
Suzanne Wakamoto
Harry Zapiti
John Bennardo
Alan Edwards
James Unger
Gerald Schneider
Probably a few more...

Monday, April 5, 2010

And the day is done...

Tomorrow I will be mailing cookies to overworked CPA's and Bookeepers I know...
Never a dull moment...

Jeri at the Terrace club in NYC.

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

Jeri is following me too! Thanks!

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

More Followers!

Two more followers! Dina and Adolfo Rule!

Evan Says these are great cookies!

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile

OMG. I can post blogs from my cellular!

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
212-561-6786 Voice Mail
Sent via BlackBerry from T-Mobile
Yeah Tim Davis is following me, and he is one funny guy...
Thanks Tim!
So who is in for cookies today... Hmmm...
Evan Stein (had them before)
Paul Lanzaro (new to cookies)
Palisa Kelley (had them before)
who knows who else?
Have a Cookielicious Day!

Sunday, April 4, 2010

OMG I have a follower! Thanks Fern!
I just figured out how to send invitations to lots of people...
And a Blogging I will go!

Jeanne's First Cookie Blog

So Friends,
Why am I doing this...
I make cookies for people...
People love my cookies...
I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:
1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...
2. Old friends get cookies again...
3. People ask about the cookies...
I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something magical happens, I would like to share it with all of you...
Love Jeanne