
I make cookies for people. People love my cookies. I want to chronicle my cookies as the following happens:

1. New friends eat cookies for the first time...

2. Old friends get cookies again...

3. People ask about the cookies...

By the way, I cannot eat my cookies. I am gluten intolerant.

These cookies are all about you...

I do not have cookie experiences everyday, but for the 3-4 days a week when something MAGICAL happens, I would like to share it with all of you...

Love, Jeanne

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Robert's first Cookie.....

Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
Sent via ShackleBerry

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

What I would tell my children about money in 5 minutes.....

What would I tell my beautiful, vibrant girl (age 13) and son (age 2) as soon as I could??

I would tell them money is to be earned and spent, mostly not frivolously...  It should be hoarded (yes, hoarded) for health, wealth, education and safe fun. 
     Health is for organic foods, dance classes, great products for the body...
     Wealth is for whatever financial decision you make that will increase your financial balance sheet in the long term (1 to 10 years as a child, 10 to 40 years as an adult). 
     Education - this keeps he mind active and flexible for decades.  Always learn whether by travel, courses, reading new skills, new languages.
     Fun - anything you want to do that does not in any way hurt you or others can be regarded as safe fun...  and will be remembered years from now...

A few guidelines:
1.  Evaluate each small purchase (under $100.00) - Will I remember this item, meal ting in one year?  In 5 years?  Will I like the memory and be glad I did it.  If you can answer reasonably yes, and it does not place you in debt or short you for other needed expenses coming up, do it...
2.  Give 5% of every gift to a charity or organization or friend in need.  The other 5% that would be traditionally tithing can be made up in giving some actual time with a charity or helping others physically.
3.  If you find you are consistently running low on spending cash, track your spending for at least a week on everything you buy over $1.00.  This shows you what is really going on.  No judgement, just decide if the spending pattern is working for you or not.
4.  When in doubt - get help...  seek out professionals.  They are resources and as such gifts that can help you make your life more manageable.

I hope I can instill this message in their consciousness.
Have a great day...
Warmly, Jeanne Brutman
Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
Sent via ShackleBerry

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Who gets cookies today?

Mail: Steve
In Person:
And 3 people will be surprised!

Have a cookielicious day!
Warmly, Jeanne Brutman
Jeanne Brutman LUTCF, CFBS, CFS, CLTC
917-213-6960 Cellular
Sent via ShackleBerry